Het gemeentebestuur heeft erkenning gekregen voor zijn steun aan mensen met dementie en hun verzorgers door het lidmaatschap van het Dementievriendelijke Netwerk en het recht om het officiële symbool ‘Werken aan een dementievriendelijke organisatie’ te worden toegekend.. Conferenties, trainingsevenementen en bewustmakingssessies van de afgelopen jaren hebben de kwaliteiten van de Raad aangetoond…

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Wijkplanning geeft gemeenschappen een kans om de leiding te nemen in het produceren van een deel van het ontwikkelingsplan voor hun gebied - een wijk Plan is een juridisch document en moet worden gebruikt bij de besluitvorming over de planning toepassingen. De regels rond planning en ontwikkeling zijn veranderd. De druk om in de hele regio meer woningen te ontwikkelen neemt toe…

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The Mayor Councillor Sue Jones attended the unveiling of a plaque at Buckland Hospital to commemorate the work of Dr Gertrude Toland, one of the first women to work as a doctor in Dover. Dover Rotary Club arranged for the plaque which replaced one which had been lost during the redevelopment of the hospital. …

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What a great idea Music is amazing – it just brings people together and makes you happy Absolutely cracking day – thanks for the tunes These were just some of the comments from the many people who enjoyed the disco at Pencester Pavilion on Saturday 29th July. Music began at lunchtime and continued throughout the

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St Radigund’s Community Centre is celebrating the refurbishment of its toilets paid for by the Town Council and undertaken by local builders Hippersons. Andrew Sanalitro, Chair of Trustees said We are extremely grateful to Dover Town Council for funding our toilets refurbishment. Good facilities are expected by all and now we are proud of what

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The Community and Services Committee of the Council received a presentation on the work of the Outreach Centre at its meeting on 5th July before deciding to grant them funding of £10,000 towards its running costs for each of the next three years. Raadslid Mirjam Wood, Chair of the Committee said This will give the

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Pebbles at Pebbles

The Pebbles Project brought together local natural history specialist Mel Wrigley and artist Ben Hunt in a combined project based on the unique natural history of the chalk and seashore pebbles at Dover. Children from local schools looked really closely at chalk and pebbles to understand some of the natural processes which formed them millions

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