Starosta mesta Dover – radca Neil Rix


Koniec 200 miestni ľudia a občianski hodnostári sa zišli, aby zablahoželali členovi rady Neilovi Rixovi k jeho zvoleniu za starostu mesta Dover na výročnom stretnutí starostu mestskej rady v historickom Maison Dieu dňa 12 máj 2016.

Neil sa narodil a vyrastal v Doveri, najmladší z 11 bratia a sestry. Neil lives in the Town and brought up his own family there. Neil employs a substantial number of local men and women in the scaffolding and demolition company he founded and built up over 30 leta. In his speech to the Meeting he made his top priority to encourage local employers to invest more in the Town and increase involvement in the community life of the Town.

“This is a huge honour and I am determined work my hardest and do my very best for the Town”