Nous sommes enthousiasmés par Dover Winter Light Up – Samedi 2 décembre de 13h à 19h

samedi 2Dakota du Nord Décembre 2023 à 13 heures – 7pm

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On Saturday 2nd December 2023 à partir de 13h00, Dover Market Square accueillera une gamme de stands pour récupérer vos cadeaux de fête et profiter de divertissements, nourriture, et boire. Et à 17h le samedi, our lantern procession includes four new big builds lighting up Dover in collaboration with local artists and lantern makers.

Dover’s Winter Light Up is aiming for 500 lanternes étoiles!
So come and make a lantern and become part of the procession!
Saturday 2nd December 5pm Pencester Gardens

FREE Public Lantern Workshops with Future Foundry.

🌟Sunday 19th Nov Biggin Hall
11un m – 1pm – Public lantern workshop (arrive 11am)
2pm – 4pm – lanterns with Access, Arts, Adventures disability arts group (booking required)

🌟Saturday 25th Nov Charlton Centre
11un m – 1pm Public lantern workshop (arrive 11am)
2pm – 4pm Public lantern workshop (arrive 2pm)

🌟Tuesday 28th Nov
Biggin Hall
4pm – 8pm – Public lantern workshop (drop inallow 2 hrs for lantern making)

🌟Thursday 30th Nov
Biggin Hall
4pm – 8pm – Public lantern workshop (drop inallow 2 hrs for lantern making)

Please arrive at the beginning of the session, where specified. Children under 14 must be accompanied. Children under 10 will need one parent/carer per child to assist them.

*Lantern making can be messy, so please wear old clothes*

All materials are provided.

Illustration by @gregstobbs_illustration

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