Dover Town is bekroon met Walkers are Welcome-status. Die voorstel om te werk na die internasionaal erkende akkreditasie het deurlopende ondersteuning deur die Dorpsraad ontvang. 'n Baie wye bestuursgroep bestaande uit plaaslike raadslede, die Dover Society, plaaslike stapgroepe, White Cliffs Stap Festival, plaaslike hoteliers, White Cliffs Platteland Partnership, Up on the Downs Heritage Lottery project, the National Trust and the Area of Outstanding National Beauty Authority was set up to work towards showing that Dover meets the criteria necessary to fulfil the status as a Walkers are Welcome Town.
Walkers are Welcome status means:
- Keeping pathways open
- Having a network of walks in the area
- Encouraging the use of public transport
- Demonstrating support from the Community(nearly 1,400 signatures were collected on a petition to support the appplication)
- Gaining backing from the local council
By working with the above organisations and showcasing what Dover has to offer walkers, and support from Dover Town Council, a successful application was submitted.
Following the award of the WAW status, businesses and groups who have been supporting the initiative are entitled to display the WAW logo. The official celebration and launch will take place later in the year, possibly at the event to mark the opening of the Blue Bird Heritage Trail but will also be publicised at the opening event of the White Cliffs Walking Festival on 25 Augustus 2016.
An event is planned with local businesses, such as cafes, restaurante, & hoteliers to publicise how being a Walkers are Welcome Town can add value to businesses and plan to work together on any steps necessary to make sure the Town’s Welcome for Walkers keeps on getting better.
The Civic and Special Projects Committee of the Council thanked Councillor Pam Brivio and former Councillor Pat Sherratt for their hard work on the project at their recent meeting