Tijdens hun bijeenkomst op 9 juni-, De civiel & Het speciale projectcomité van de gemeenteraad van Dover heeft verschillende verzoeken om financiering in overweging genomen en kwam unaniem overeen om drie hiervan te steunen.
De gemeenteraad keurde The Dover goed & Deal Sea Cadets application for financial assistance of £1,500.00 toward the purchase of a new safety and rescue boat. Being able to purchase a new safety & rescue boat (replacing the 30 year old Dory, which is now unsuitable for the purposes of Rescue & Safety), means that the Dover & Deal Sea Cadets can extend their range and scope of boating events and activities and attract more membership to join the cadets. With a dedicated safety and rescue boat they will be well placed to offer the service to others, operating within the area. The range of activities will promote good physical and psychological health, as well as reducing obesity levels amongst the youth of Dover.
The Town Council awarded the White Cliffs Ramblers Group £500.00 towards promotion and equipment for a seven-day White Cliffs Walking Festival, centering on Dover and Deal. The festival will take place from 26th August to 2 September, 2015 – as a celebration of walking and its benefits. Through a varied programme of walks to suit different age, ability and interest groups, the purpose of the Festival is to attract local people and visitors alike, to develop the love of walking for health, interest, enjoyment and social benefits, and consequently promote the area, the facilities, the attractions and its friendly communities.
Dover Town Council was again in unanimous agreement about supporting the Dover Society in their Blue Bird Heritage Trail development. The project will help to deliver the Council’s objective to promote better health and a greater sense of place amongst residents. It will also promote the Town’s heritage and history, as well as support Health & Well-being in Dover with particular support towards those who create or organise walking schemes, such as health walks, 100 mile walk and Walkers are Welcome. The agreement for funding was brought before the full council at the meeting on the 24th of June where it was decided that a grant of £5,000.00 would be allocated subject to a Service Level Agreement being agreed and signed.