The 98th Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 gadā tika pieminēts ikgadējā ceremonijā 23 Aprīlis 2016. Reverend John Walker conducted a service at St James Cemetery where the fallen of the raid are laid to rest together with their leader Vice Admiral Sir Roger Keyes. Representatives from Dover and Zeebrugge laid wreaths together with Veteran’s Associations and other Community Groups. This year the Belgium Royal Scout Harmony Band played during the ceremony
Sv. Džordža dienas reids pret kurmi Zēbrigē bija visiedvesmojošākā epizode nesenajā Lielbritānijas un Beļģijas vēsturē.. Neskatoties uz šausmīgo dzīvību zaudēšanu, Zēbriges reids palīdzēja paātrināt Pirmā pasaules kara beigas.
Following the ceremony at the cemetery further respects were paid at Dover Town Hall where, un tad, Doveras pilsētas mērs, Councillor Chris Precious rang the Zeebrugge Bell. Bell bija dāvana pateicības no karaļa Beļģijas atzīstot upurēt Dover ir samazinājies.
Following the commemorations the Scout Band gave a free public concert at the Dover Town Hall which was much appreciated by those attending.