Макове звернення 2020 – A Thank You from the Royal British Legion

THE POPPY | 12 Листопад 2020


In the 99 years since the Royal British Legion was founded, we have never given up in our fight to support the Armed Forces community. We have ensured that those who have served are looked after, no matter what difficulties they may be facing.


But the challenge of COVID-19 has been formidable. The 2020 Poppy Appeal marks the first time in the history of the Poppy Appeal that our volunteers were unable to carry out face to face collections in England and Wales. Never before in the charity’s history, even throughout the Second World War, have all face to face collections been cancelled.


So today, as we bring our Poppy Appeal to a close, I would like to thank each and every one of you for getting involved in this year’s Appeal, whether you donated, displayed a Poppy in your window, signed up to Poppies in the Post, bought a poppy, did a virtual Poppy Run, fundraised for the Legion or showed your support in some other way.


It was both inspiring and moving to see so many people participating in different creative ways to pay tribute to the men and women who have fought – and fallen – over the years. Whether you created your own Remembrance event, took part in the two minutes silence on your door step, or simply wore your poppy as a symbol of your support, you were part of something truly special, and all of us at the Legion are so grateful to you.


We’ve created a short message for you тут to say thank you for helping us make every poppy count this year. I hope you will take a few moments to take a look.


With very kind regards,

Simon O’Leary

Assistant Director of Fundraising, Макове звернення