Após a morte de Sua Majestade a Rainha Elizabeth II, os livros oficiais de condolências estarão disponíveis para membros do público nos escritórios da Câmara Municipal de Dover, Maison Dieu Casa (atrás do Memorial de Guerra do Povo de Dover), Biggin Rua, Dover das 9h às 16h30 segunda-feira – Sábado a partir de sexta-feira, 9 de setembro.  

The Dover Pride march. Photo: Dover Pride/David Goodson Photography Dover burst with vibrant colors as it marked its fourth Pride festival on August 27th, 2022. The event, themed around pop art and pop music, aimed to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community under the bannerPOP with pride.Supporting the festivities, Dover Town Council helped provide essential

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Queen Elizabeth ll ~ Platinum Jubilee picnic a resounding success !!! by Town Council – 08/06/2022 The atmosphere was certainly exciting last Sunday 05/06/2022 as Dovorian families came together for a picnic at Pencester Square to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. This super-festive event organised by Dover Town Council and Destination Dover featured live music, a host

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To mark Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, you are invited in witnessing the ceremonial lighting of two Beacons located at Clocktower Square / Dover Marina (public access) and at Dover Castle (via live video feed here: https://youtu.be/fgKVlAiJXf8). DOVER TOWN BEACONCLOCKTOWER SQUARE / DOVER MARINA Witness the ceremonial lighting of the beacon

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O Conselho Municipal de Dover e o Destination Dover têm o prazer de anunciar o Jubileu de Platina de Dover – Piquenique no parque em Pencester Gardens no domingo, 5 de junho, 10:00 sou – 4:00 pm. Você está convidado a trazer um piquenique para compartilhar esta ocasião importante com a família & amigos! Esta celebração repleta de diversão será uma ótima maneira de…

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