A város polgármestere örömmel vett részt a Dover Nagy Helyi Információs Napon a Charlton Centerben szeptember 28-án. 2022. Support and service info were available throughout the day covering housing, health & well-being, benefits, financial support, food and digital training for local residents. This was a great way to discuss more in

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Sunday 28th August saw the Dover Lions Annual Publicans Walk along Dover Seafront. The event was well attended with the Mayor of Dover Judging the fancy dress. All proceeds were donated towards Seniors Christmas Lunch.

A Dover Pride felvonulás. Fénykép: Dover Pride/David Goodson Photography Dover burst with vibrant colors as it marked its fourth Pride festival on August 27th, 2022. The event, themed around pop art and pop music, aimed to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community under the bannerPOP with pride.Supporting the festivities, Dover Town Council helped provide essential

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Július 7-én, a Nemzetközösségi játékokkal összefüggésben, a Queens Baton váltó a Nemzetközösség körüli fáradságos, de inspiráló utazása után megérkezett a Dover kastélyba. The event not only created a way for the people of Dover to celebrate the collective effort of the nations involved but also allowed Dover to be significantly represented

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