Community Open Access land at High Meadow totalling 22 acres and looked after by the Town Council has been given a boost at the meeting of the Community and Services Committee. Councillors voted for an expanded programme of events and conservation management at the popular Nature Reserve which easily accessible on foot from the Town

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Consilierul Sue Jones – nou ales ca primar al orașului Dover și-a anunțat organizațiile de caritate pentru anul. Fondurile strânse vor fi împărțite între Alzheimer’s Society și Dover Outreach Center. Societatea Alzheimer investește în cercetarea în îngrijirea demenței, cauză, vindecare si prevenire. Ei luptă pentru drepturile tuturor celor afectați de…

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As part of Dementia Awareness Week, the local Dementia Alliance held an event at Dover Town Council for local businesses and organisations with Liz Taylor, Services Manager at East Kent Alzheimer’s Society Over 40 people attended with a good number of organisations and businesses represented. Liz spoke about the need for businesses to recognise what

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Întreprinderile și Organizațiile Dover District sunt invitați la un: Dementia for Business Event Friday 25th May 2018 (12 -2pm) Dover Consiliului Town, Maison Dieu Casa, Biggin Street, Dover CT16 1DW To book a place Call: 07772471905 sau e-mail: Liz Taylor, Services Manager la Societatea East Kent Alzheimer, will discuss the business benefits of becoming

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The Mayor and Mayoress of Dover, Cllr and Mrs Rix, and others from Dover Town Council attended the Pebbles screening event at the Silver Screen Cinema in Dover. The meaning, history, geology and importance of the English Channel pose many questions and in 2016 Dover Town Council commissioned Dover Arts Development to deliver the Pebbles Project to deepen understanding and

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Dover’s fabulous warm community came together at the Annual Town Meeting last night to celebrate some of the Town’s very best at the People of Dover Awards. Primarul, Councillor Neil Rix chaired the meeting and Honorary Freeman of Dover Mr Graham Tutthill introduced the awards. Members of the public had voted to choose the

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A huge thank you to all those who yesterday supported the Centenary Commemorations in Dover yesterday of the raid on Zeebrugge on 23rd April, Ziua St George, 1918. Pierderile raidului au fost amintit cu onoare care deservesc membrii forțelor armate, veterani, cadeți, lideri civici și comunitatea locală. May they rest

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