Councillor Sue Jones – newly elected as Town Mayor of Dover has announced her charities for the year. Funds raised will be shared between the Alzheimer’s Society and the Dover Outreach Centre. The Alzheimer’s Society invests in research into dementia care, cause, cure and prevention. They fight for the rights of everyone affected by


Dover Районные предприятия и организации приглашаются к: Dementia for Business Event Friday 25th May 2018 (12 -2pm) Довер Городской совет, Апартаменты Дье Дом, Биггин-стрит, Dover CT16 1DW To book a place Call: 07772471905 или по электронной почте: Liz Taylor, Менеджер служб в обществе East Kent Альцгеймера, will discuss the business benefits of becoming


The Mayor and Mayoress of Dover, Cllr and Mrs Rix, and others from Dover Town Council attended the Pebbles screening event at the Silver Screen Cinema in Dover. The meaning, history, geology and importance of the English Channel pose many questions and in 2016 Dover Town Council commissioned Dover Arts Development to deliver the Pebbles Project to deepen understanding and


A huge thank you to all those who yesterday supported the Centenary Commemorations in Dover yesterday of the raid on Zeebrugge on 23rd April, День Святого Георгия, 1918. Жертвы налета запомнился с честью, служа член вооруженных сил, ветераны, курсанты, гражданские лидеры и местное сообщество. May they rest
