A Neighbourhood Planning Workshop – Everybody Welcome A Neighbourhood Planning Workshop is being held on Thursday morning 29th November 10 līdz 12.30 at the Biggin Hall behind the Town Council offices in Dover. Come along to share your ideas with others about how Dover could be made better over a cup of tea and

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The 2018 Big Draw was a huge success with all ages getting together at different places across Dover to have fun drawing together. Councillor Sue Jones and Councillor Chris Precious supported this year’s free event from their Councillor Ward Grant Budgets. Chris saidThe Big Draw is a fabulous event which allows everyone in

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The Planning Committee of the Town Council meets every month to scrutinise and comment on all Planning Applications in the Town. The Town Council knows that high quality planning is essential to improving the environment of Dover and 13 of the 18 Councillors sit on the Planning Committee and attend the monthly meetings. They are

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Dover ir Fairtrade Town statuss tika atjaunots vēl uz diviem gadiem. Mērs Dover, Padomnieks Sue Jones saņēmusi oficiālu sertifikāciju pie uzņemšanas rīcībā Dover un Deal Fairtrade vadības grupas. Godīga tirdzniecība ir par apvienojot lauksaimnieks un pircējs ciešāk kopā un liekot cilvēkiem centrā tirdzniecības. Being

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Neighborhood plānošana dod kopienām iespēju izvirzīties vadībā, kas ražo daļu attīstības plānu savā teritorijā - Kaimiņattiecību plāns ir juridisks dokuments, un tas ir jāizmanto, lemjot par plānošanas pieteikumiem. Noteikumi ap plānošanā un attīstībā ir mainījušies. Visā valstī ir palielināts spiediens attīstīt vairāk mājokļu…

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