A Neighbourhood Planning Workshop – Everybody Welcome A Neighbourhood Planning Workshop is being held on Thursday morning 29th November 10 į 12.30 at the Biggin Hall behind the Town Council offices in Dover. Come along to share your ideas with others about how Dover could be made better over a cup of tea and

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The 2018 Big Draw was a huge success with all ages getting together at different places across Dover to have fun drawing together. Councillor Sue Jones and Councillor Chris Precious supported this year’s free event from their Councillor Ward Grant Budgets. Chris saidThe Big Draw is a fabulous event which allows everyone in

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Dover’s Fairtrade Town Status has been renewed for a further two years. Doverio meras, Councillor Sue Jones received the official certification at a reception held by Dover and Deal Fairtrade Steering Group. Fair trade is about bringing the farmer and the shopper closer together and putting people at the heart of trade. Being

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Kaimynystės planavimas suteikia bendruomenėms galimybę išsiveržti į priekį gaminant dalį plėtros planą savo srityje - Kaimynystės planas yra teisinis dokumentas ir turi būti naudojama, kai sprendimą dėl planavimo programas. Aplink planavimo ir vystymo taisyklės pasikeitė. Visoje šalyje kyla didesnis spaudimas kurti daugiau būstų…

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