Consiliul Raional Dover (DDC) a început terenul pe trei site-uri de dezvoltare care vor furniza împreună 50 case noi accesibile. All of the homes will be available for rent by local people on the Council’s waiting list. Dezvoltările de la Napchester Road din Whitfield (26 case); Kimberley Close în Dover (16 case); și, Stockdale Gardens in

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În fiecare an, Dover își amintește și îi onorează pe bărbații care au luptat și au murit în timpul raidului pe cârtița de la Zeebrugge de ziua Sfântului Gheorghe., 23aprilie 1918. Actualele restricții Covid-19 înseamnă că comemorările tradiționale nu pot avea loc. Anul acesta, the 103rd Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid will be observed

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There was a just a little bit more Easter sunshine in Dover as 161 local households nominated by schools and community leaders enjoyed chocolate eggs together with their own favourite treats using supermarket vouchers provided as part of the Council’s Easter project. Following on from a similar successful scheme at Christmas the Council has worked

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The Town Council and the people of Dover are deeply saddened to hear of the death of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip was married to the Queen for over 70 years and devoted himself to a life of outstanding public service and duty. He was a good friend to Dover, visiting with Her

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