ÚJ boltívekkel várja a látogatókat a Dover

Több millió ember halad át a kikötő Dover évente, many stopping off to see the sights and historical landmarks in the town as well as to enjoy the beach and seaside. Látogatók Dover könnyebben kap a csapágyak, köszönhetően az új jel hozzászólások vezető a tengerparttól és a város központ. Az új Arches, jellemző a kék madár a boldogság, were the result of a signage audit which showed that people struggled to find their way from the seafront to the town. The gateways are the latest addition in a long line of improvements including the distinctive blue and gold finger-posts and bollards together with new benches and bins. More enhancements are on the horizon in Dover Town Council’s continued commitment to restore Dover to her former glory.