Neighbourhood Planning – Your Chance to Change Dover

The first Neighbourhood Panning Workshop held in the Biggin Hall on 28 November – and was a huge success with the hall full of local people sharing their detailed knowledge of Dover and thoughts about how to make the Town a better place to live and work.

規劃專家解釋鄰居計劃如何能受益多佛 - 給當地人民有機會在未來發展的未來願景 20 歲月, 決定他們希望新的發展, 有什麼新的基礎設施 (如道路) 需要, 並規劃他們想要的生活生命支持和社區設施.

The meeting broke into smaller groups to consider themes in detail including

  • 當地社區, 健康和福祉
  • 會議住房需求
  • 設計和城市的品格
  • 港口, 交通和基礎設施
  • 在旅遊機會, 僱用, 教育和培訓
  • 環境, 康樂及休憩空間



小區規劃讓社區有機會率先生產了他們的區域發展計劃的一部分 - 一個鄰居計劃是一個法律文件,有關規劃申請的決定時,必須使用. It can make a real difference in the fight against poor quality development such as conversions of large properties into too many tiny flats that are primarily aimed at making profit for the developer.

The Plan will make sure that future development in Dover is

  • 充滿活力, 吸引力和精心設計


  • 在公眾最佳利益平衡社會, 經濟和環境方面的考慮

The Town Council is co-ordinating and supporting the making of the plan but you – 當地社區 – 決定你想要什麼多佛. 充滿激情的人, enthusiasm and knowledge of the Town are vital part of the process.

Making a good Neighbourhood Plan needs everyone to contribute their ideas, 希望和願景,多佛 - 這樣的過程提供了大量的時間和機會涉足大家.

More events are planned. The next workshop will be at the Dover Disability Forum and a Questionnaire will be sent out at the end of February.

If you would like to be involved in changing Dover for the better please email, 致電 01304 242625, 寫或通過拖放到鎮議會辦事處. The Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group is looking for members from all sections of the community and also for people to contribute to smaller focus groups -so if you have a bit of time and an interest in Dover’s future or expert knowledge on key aspects of life in the Town you would be really welcome!

多佛鄰里計劃將在當地選民的正式投票進行表決,坐在旁邊的國家規劃戰略由肯特郡議會和多佛爾地區理事會通過中央政府和其他計劃設置 - 通過多佛的人多佛的人寫鄰里計劃將確保你對自己生活的選擇得到了重視.