Nachbarschaftsplanung - Ihre Chance Dover zu ändern

Der erste Neighborhood Panning Workshop fand in der Biggin Hall statt 28 November – und war ein großer Erfolg, da die Halle voller Einheimischer war, die ihr detailliertes Wissen über Dover und ihre Gedanken darüber, wie man die Stadt zu einem besseren Ort zum Leben und Arbeiten machen kann, austauschten.

Planning experts explained how Neighbourhood Plans can benefit Dover – giving local people a chance to develop a vision for the future over the next 20 Jahre, decide where they would like new development, what new infrastructure (such as roads) is needed, and plan support and community facilities for the lives they want to live.

The meeting broke into smaller groups to consider themes in detail including

  • Local Communities, health and wellbeing
  • Meeting housing need
  • Design and Character of the Town
  • Port, transport and infrastructure
  • Opportunities in Tourism, employment, education and training
  • Environment, recreation and open spaces


Strong opinions were expressed all round and the feedback session was lively as different views and experiences were debated and everyone had a chance to contribute and be heard.

Nachbarschaftsplanung Gemeinden eine Chance gibt, die Führung bei der Herstellung Teil des Entwicklungsplans für ihren Bereich zu übernehmen - ein Nachbarschaftsplan ist ein juristisches Dokument und muss verwendet werden, wenn sie auf Baugesuche entscheiden. Es kann einen echten Unterschied im Kampf gegen die schlechte Qualität der Entwicklung machen wie Umwandlungen von großen Eigenschaften in zu vielen kleinen Wohnungen, die zu machen Gewinn für den Entwickler in erster Linie zum Ziel haben.

Der Plan wird sicherstellen, dass die künftige Entwicklung in Dover

  • beschwingt, attraktiv und gut gestaltet


  • im öffentlichen Interesse Ausgleich soziale, wirtschaftliches und ökologisches Gesicht

The Town Council is co-ordinating and supporting the making of the plan but youthe local communitydecide what you want for Dover. People with passion, enthusiasm and knowledge of the Town are vital part of the process.

Making a good Neighbourhood Plan needs everyone to contribute their ideas, hopes and vision for Dover – so the process gives plenty of time and opportunity for everyone to get involved.

More events are planned. The next workshop will be at the Dover Disability Forum and a Questionnaire will be sent out at the end of February.

If you would like to be involved in changing Dover for the better please email, call us on 01304 242625, write or drop by to the Town Council offices. The Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group is looking for members from all sections of the community and also for people to contribute to smaller focus groups -so if you have a bit of time and an interest in Dover’s future or expert knowledge on key aspects of life in the Town you would be really welcome!

The Dover Neighbourhood Plan will be voted on in a formal referendum of local electors and sit alongside the National Planning Strategies set by Central Government and other Plans adopted by Kent County Council and Dover District Council – the Neighbourhood Plan written by Dover People for Dover People will make sure that your choices about your lives are taken seriously.