La ville la plus pittoresque du Kent pour Noël

Douvres a été nommée troisième ville hivernale la plus pittoresque derrière Harrogate, Yorkshire du Nord, et Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Accueil aux emblématiques falaises blanches, Douvres vaut bien une visite avec son château chargé d'histoire et ses délicieux restaurants.. La ville côtière a beaucoup à offrir et constitue l'endroit idéal à explorer pendant la période des fêtes..

Plus que 600 lanterns paraded through Dover as part of the annual Winter Light Up festival this weekend.

Read more of the full article here on: KENT LIVE NEWS

Crédit photo: Matt Wilson and Future Foundry

‘To lead the lantern parade of hundreds of proud, happy young people from Dover was the most incredible experience for me as the Town Mayor this year The drumming gave the event a tribal feel, the whole parade united as a community celebrating the start of the darkest days of the year with noise and light. The big builds swaying along were an artistic triumph for their makers. Thank you to the Future Foundry and all those who took part for giving the town such a fabulous event’. Sue Jones, Maire de Douvres.

Despite -2 degrés, thousands took part in Dover’s Winter Light Up this Saturday, walking with 600 star lanterns made by children and the community through the streets of Dover, following in the footsteps of 11 giant, illuminated wildlife lantern characters made by Future Foundry artists.

Huge thanks to everyone who took part, made lanterns and came to help on the day including our intrepid big build carriers and our AMAZING creative, inventive team who put every once of energy into the day.

Elizabeth Tophill, Zo Defferary, Olivia Franklin, Bob Henderson, Freyja Crow, Amelia Johnson, Rainna Erbas, Lori Crow, Frazer Doyle, Emma Sikora, Jess Martindale, Eloise Gibb, Emily Drysdale, Emily Oulton, Charlotte Proctor, Alex Newcombe.

Thanks to the Mayor of Dover Sue Jones #dovertowncouncil Leader of Dover District Council Kevin Mills and young people from Future Foundry’s Youth Arts Club, The Forge, plus our magnificent samba drumming bands Bloco Fogo et Drum and Blaze

Stars were made with schools and the local community, during 150 hours of workshops! St Margaret’s at Cliffe, Temple Ewell, White Cliffs, Vale View, St Martins, Guston, Les champs Priory, St Mary’s, River, Sallygate plus Dover Projet smART

Access, Arts and Adventures; Dover’s disability arts network, Afghan and Ukrainian families and Dover Scouts (who made 50 Ammonite lanterns to highlight the Kent Downs National Landscape #AONB #Geopark

Douvres Winter Light Up

Douvres Winter Light Up

For the awesome lighting thanks to Tim Drinkal, TDI Electricals and Nick Arnold