Yli 1000 puntaa kerättiin Meningitis Now -tautia varten pormestarin ja pormestarin isännöimässä ystävänpäiväjuhlissa, neuvoston jäsen ja rouva Neil Rix, Doverin kaupungintalolla. Those attending enjoyed a splendid meal followed by dancing to the wonderful Kingsdown Band – who rounded off the evening by playing for an extra half an hour at the Mayor’s special request. Everyone gave generously to support the charity in the raffle and other fundraisers throughout the evening.
Meningitis Now is the Mayor’s Charity for 2016-17. Their vision is a future where no-one in the UK loses their life to meningitis and everyone affected gets the support they need to rebuild their lives. The Charity has raised £12 million to fund research into the illness, runs campaigns to raise public awareness, offers free information and resources about the illness and supports sufferers and their families.