Pormestari toivottaa tervetulleeksi War Memorial Recognition

Doverin pormestari Neil Rix vastasi uutisiin, että Historiallinen Englanti oli päivittänyt Doverin sotamuistomerkin listan luokkaan II*.,

“The People of Dover War Memorial is at the centre of our Town and our hearts as a memorial to those who have given their lives so that we are able to live our lives in freedom today. I therefore wholeheartedly welcome the recognition that this new listing gives to our memorial”.

Historic England gave the following reasons for their decision:

  • Historic interest: as an eloquent witness to the tragic impact of world events on this community and the sacrifices it made in the conflicts of the C20;

  • Sculptural interest: designed by Richard Goulden, a talented sculptor who was born and trained din Dover and who had served during the First World War, it is a moving and highly accomplished work;

  • Design: as a fine example of an allegorical figure of Youthwho overcomes the difficulties in their path (thorns) to achieved victory (an upheld crucifix)

  • Group value: with the Town Hall and Maison Dieu House (Grade II* and a scheduled monument);

  • Clarity: a revised List entry is proposed to reflect our enhanced understanding of Richard Goulden’s war memorial work and to help inform future management