मेयर बीट के साथ हो जाता है

Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan joined the crowds and got with the beat at the Dover Together Multicultural Festival on Saturday 29वें June in Pencester Gardens, an annual event which is now a firm favourite with everyone.

The Dover Together Multicultural Festival aims to bring the diverse communities of Dover together to celebrate and showcase the rich variety of cultures which make up the Town. The festival gives people the chance to hear new music, try new foods, dance and art as well as celebrate traditional British culture and see for themselves the positive impact that diversity can have on the Town.

In opening the Festival Gordon said

A big thank you goes to our local charity Samphire, for their vision and hard work in organising today. We welcome and value the contribution of everyone, long term residents and newcomers alike, to building a vibrant and happy community where everyone can thrive.