喜欢新鲜的食物, 露天和健体? - 想想配股!

No food is fresher than the food you grow yourself. You can choose what food you grow and how you grow it on a Town Council allotment. 今年,我们希望通过我们整个城市管理的四个网站提供的小地块起始鼓励初学者. The soil is good – the climate here by the sea means that a really wide range of fruit and veg can be gown. You can stick with the traditional or you can try some more unusual tasty varieties at a fraction of the cost in the shops. We support organic growing as well so you can fit in a few flowers and encourage friendly wildlife.

通过电话联系的土地和社区官镇议会办事处, 电子邮件, via our website – or just do it the old-fashioned way and drop in to see us at Maison Dieu House.