Taze Gıda gibi, Açık Hava ve Sağlıklı Egzersiz? - Allotment düşün!

No food is fresher than the food you grow yourself. You can choose what food you grow and how you grow it on a Town Council allotment. Bu yıl biz kent genelinde yönetmek dört sitelerde küçük marş araziler sunarak başlayanlar teşvik etmek istiyoruz. The soil is good – the climate here by the sea means that a really wide range of fruit and veg can be gown. You can stick with the traditional or you can try some more unusual tasty varieties at a fraction of the cost in the shops. We support organic growing as well so you can fit in a few flowers and encourage friendly wildlife.

Telefonla Kent Konseyi Müdürlükleri'nde Arazi ve Topluluklar Görevlisi kurun, E-posta, via our website – or just do it the old-fashioned way and drop in to see us at Maison Dieu House.