4 月 21 日晚上 8 點 30 分,請留意多佛城堡,屆時城鎮燈塔將點亮,慶祝女王陛下的 90 歲生日. 燈光標誌著鎮上激動人心的活動計劃的開始,以紀念這個非常特殊的一年. Through the centuries Dover has been visited by Kings and Queens as they travelled through the County and beyond. A record of Her Majesty’s visit to Dover in March 1958 is held by the Town Council as both she and Prince Philip signed the Town’s historic Visitor’s Book.
The Dover Beacon is owned by the Town and maintained by Dover Town Council on behalf of the Town. The Beacon is lit on historic occasions and was last aflame to celebrate Her Majesty’s Golden Jubilee.