Gražios ir retos žolės kreidos žemė High Meadow vietiniame gamtos rezervate buvo pratęsta 2013/14 White Cliff Country Partnership pirmajame nacionalinės loterijos finansuojamo projekto, kurį inicijavo Doverio miesto taryba, etape, kuriai priklauso žemė ir kuri tikisi ją atkurti taip, kaip buvo šeštajame dešimtmetyje. This first phase involved the removal of dilapidated structures and the installation of stock fencing. Phase 2 requires a further clearing of scrub, rubbish and hazardous materials on the chalk land lying west of Noah’s Ark Road. One of the most positive results of this upcoming phase is that it will connect High Meadow, Whinless Down and Nemo Down to form 62 hectares of continuous chalk grassland much of which will be available for recreational use by local people.
This grassland has existed for hundreds, or even thousands of years and when well-maintained, is one of the most naturally rich habitats for flora and fauna, including many rare butterflies and exquisite orchids. There is an opportunity for qualified undertakings to bid for the clearance work allowing this exceptional land to be enjoyed by generations to come.
The Deadline for Tenders is 12 midday Friday 4-oji Rugsėjis 2015.