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8 September, 2018 - Maison Dieu House – Journée portes ouvertes du patrimoine – samedi 8 10 septembre am-4pm

Maison Dieu House will be open on Saturday 8e September 10am-4pm as part of the annual Heritage Open Day weekend. Maison Dieu House was built in 1665 comme la résidence officielle de l'agent victualler, la personne responsable de l'organisation locale de la fourniture de la nourriture et des boissons aux navires de la Royal Navy. Juste à côté de la Maison Dieu lui-même (la mairie) a été utilisé pour le stockage. L'agent victualler est resté en résidence jusqu'après la bataille de Waterloo en 1815. The building was then used until 1834 as the official residence of the Officer in charge of the Royal Engineers in Dover.

Maison Dieu House became connected to the Mayoralty when Mr RW Mummery who held the office of Mayor 3 times from 1863-66 bought the property as his private residence. Dover Corporation bought Maison Dieu House in 1904 as a base for the Town’s public services including the Borough Engineer and the Medical Officer. Dans 1952 the building became the Dover Public Library. Dans 2004 the Town Council purchased and renovated the building which was then in a poor state of repair. It is now used by the Town Council and People of Dover for a wide range of civic occasions and meetings.

On Saturday the Council Chamber, the Mayor’s Parlour and the Charter Room will be open together with a fascinating display of historic items related to the Town and the Mayoralty – and a big thank you goes to the volunteers from Dover Greeters who will be on hand to help and answer any questions and the Dover Society for co-ordinating the event.


Rendez-vous amoureux:
8 September, 2018
10:00 un m - 4:00 pm
Catégorie de l'événement:


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