多佛大抽獎 2019

有排長龍的開幕 2019 Big Draw in The Biggin Hall today with all ages from tots to teenagers and seniors busy making pictures together.

大抽獎是繪畫的民族節日所發生每年推廣繪圖作為,不僅為藝術也為像工程學科是很重要的一個關鍵技巧, 數學, science and design. The theme of the Festival this year is “Drawn to Life” which recognises that drawing and being creative can help promote well being and enable people to make positive changes in their lives.

議員布里維奧, Lamoon, 里克斯和三岔支持多佛節用375£從他們的委員病區格蘭特分配給主辦單位多佛藝術發展與弗大本地Art31工作組共資助
