多佛大抽奖 2019

有排长龙的开幕 2019 Big Draw in The Biggin Hall today with all ages from tots to teenagers and seniors busy making pictures together.

The Big Draw is a National Festival of Drawing which takes place each year promoting drawing as a key skill that is important not only for the arts but also for subjects like engineering, maths, science and design. The theme of the Festival this year is “Drawn to Life” which recognises that drawing and being creative can help promote well being and enable people to make positive changes in their lives.

议员布里维奥, Lamoon, 里克斯和三岔支持多佛节用375£从他们的委员病区格兰特分配给主办单位多佛艺术发展与弗大本地Art31工作组共资助

Our picture shows that pumpkins and getting ready for Halloween was the inspiration for some youngsters!