Byrådsmedlem Gordon Cowan valgt som borgmester på det første møde i det nyvalgte byråd

Dover Town Hall was full with local people and distinguished guests to welcome the newly elected Town Council to their first official meeting. På 2nd Kan 9 helt nye Rådmænd blev valgt sammen med 9 Rådmænd, der havde tjent tidligere. Their first job was to choose a Mayor and Councillor Gordon Cowan was elected at their first meeting on 16th Kan. Councillor Cowan first became a Councillor in 1997 and was Mayor in 2000-1. He is currently the Councillor for the Rokesley Ward. New Councillor Dominic Howden was elected as Deputy Mayor.

Councillor Cowan thanked the Council for their confidence in electing him and set out his priorities for the year ahead as the Town Council continues to work hard for improvements to the Town that will benefit the whole community.

Cadet Frazer Chapman of the Dover Detachment was appointed Mayor’s Cadet and Rev. Dr John Walker and Rev. Sean Sheffield were appointed as Honorary Chaplains.

Byrådsmedlem Pam Brivio førte takket være afgående borgmester byrådsmedlem Sue Jones til at repræsentere byen så godt i det forløbne år i at deltage i løbet 200 engagementer og, bag scenen, bringe hendes erfaring og lokalkendskab til projekter som Dover Destination formål at forbedre Byer økonomi.

Hr. Noel Beamish blev varmt bifald efter at have talt til mødet om arbejdet i Dover Outreach Center i at hjælpe hjemløse til at få de færdigheder og arbejdsmuligheder er nødvendige for at genindtræde normale samfundsliv.