Tanácsos Gordon Cowan választott polgármester első ülésén az újonnan megválasztott városi tanács

Dover Town Hall tele volt a helyi lakosok és előkelő vendégeket üdvözölni az újonnan megválasztott városi tanács, hogy az első hivatalos találkozó. Tovább 2nd Lehet 9 új tanácsnokok választottak együtt 9 Tanácsosok, akik korábban szolgáltak. Their first job was to choose a Mayor and Councillor Gordon Cowan was elected at their first meeting on 16th Lehet. Councillor Cowan first became a Councillor in 1997 és volt polgármestere 2000-1. He is currently the Councillor for the Rokesley Ward. New Councillor Dominic Howden was elected as Deputy Mayor.

Councillor Cowan thanked the Council for their confidence in electing him and set out his priorities for the year ahead as the Town Council continues to work hard for improvements to the Town that will benefit the whole community.

Cadet Frazer Chapman of the Dover Detachment was appointed Mayor’s Cadet and Rev. Dr John Walker and Rev. Sean Sheffield were appointed as Honorary Chaplains.

Councillor Pam Brivio led the thanks to retiring Mayor Councillor Sue Jones for representing the Town so well during the past year in attending over 200 engagements and, behind the scenes, bringing her experience and local knowledge to projects such as Destination Dover aimed at improving the Towns economy.

úr. Noel Beamish was warmly applauded after speaking to the meeting about the work of the Dover Outreach Centre in helping the homeless to gain the skills and work opportunities needed to re-enter normal community life.