아말과 함께 걷다 – 도버의 별 등대

도버는 별의 등대로 빛날 것입니다, £1,500의 보조금을 통해 Future Foundry는 Walk with Amal 프로젝트에 대한 타운의 환영으로 화려한 등불 행렬을 진행할 수 있습니다.. 아말(Amal)은 워 호스(War Horse)를 만든 사람들이 만든 높이 3.5m의 난민 어린이 인형입니다.. She is walking 8000km all the way from the Syrian border to Manchester via Greece, Italy Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and France stopping at over 70 towns on her route. Her journey will highlight the plight of child refugees, raising awareness and understanding in the communities she visits.

Future Foundry are working with schools and the local community to make 500 lanterns and 6 standards inspired by Syrian designs and pilgrim badges. Dover is a traditional place of pilgrimage and the ancient Pharos lighthouse in the Castle is a symbol of safety and sanctuary for those on a journey. The Civic and Special Projects Committee gave the grant to support workshops in Dover, materials and music after hearing a presentation from Future Foundry’s Lisa Oulton who brought along a lantern and a standard for them to see.

Everybody is welcome to take part in the lantern procession at 6.15 -8.30pm on 20 October starting in Pencester Gardens and going through the Town up to the Castle and the Lighting Up at the Pharos. There are also free workshops to make lanterns on 10 과 17 October at Biggin Hall, 도버 (behind the Town Hall) from 10am to 4pm. For more details email doverwalkwithamal@gmail.com

Our picture shows Lisa Oulton of Future Foundry after giving her presentation to the Civic and Special Projects Committee of the Council.