“Regeneration is not just about buildings. In order to lift the heart of a place it must involve its people and provide opportunities, aspiration and a sense of community” – Starosta mesta Dover, Radkyňa Gordon Cowan. And in a special Extraordinary meeting Councillors backed the Mayor to deliver on three big projects focusing on

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WCCP manage the Town Council’s open access land in Dover and they always welcome extra help. If you want to contribute to making our beautiful countryside even more lovely contact them for details of their volunteering opportunities. Children and families can discover lots of fun stuff about wildlife, creepy crawlies and plants at a WCCP

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A summer of fun is planned for Pencester Gardens and the Market Square. The Civic and Special Projects Committee of the Council gave the green light to funding of £5,500 for a series of free concerts and entertainments during the coming summer months. A spokesperson for Dover Town Council said “There will be something for

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Náš Zimný spravodaj s informáciami o projektoch a službách mestského zastupiteľstva si teraz môžete prečítať tu Zimný bulletin 21 V súlade s odporúčaním vlády sú teraz naše kancelárie pre osobných volajúcich zatvorené, ale môžete nás kontaktovať telefonicky alebo e-mailom.

Credit_Brian van der Veen Sobota 4. decembra, Dover hostil svoju prvú sezónnu udalosť Dover’s Winter Light Up, kde mesto jasne žiarilo! Podujatie vytvorilo partnerstvo cez Destination Dover, ktorá videla čarovný lampiónový sprievod doručovaný Future Foundry. Starosta Doveru Gordon Cowan, Predseda okresnej rady Dover Trevor Bartlett, a…

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