Dover Town Council are very happy to see the Exmoor Ponies return to High Meadow on 10 See 2023. Please be respectful to these beautiful creatures if you are out and about and happen to meet them on your adventures. If anyone sees people or dogs upsetting the ponies to report it to Kent

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A wonderful appearance of Santa and Sleigh in Dover last night, running alongside Kent Fire and Rescue Truck and Dover Town Council. We were happy to be able to help guide Santa’s sleigh around Dover. Jingles and music also filled the night as families could meet and greet Santa on his sleigh covered in twinkly

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Elections are held for District and Parish/Town Councillors every four years where all seats will be re-elected at the same time. The next scheduled all-out District & Parish elections in Dover are due to take place in May 2023. If you would like to become a Councillor and think you can make a difference, please contact the elections

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Baie geluk aan Action matte & Vloer vir wen vanjaar – Beste Geklede Kersfees Venster Kompetisie 2022 Mededingers kon verlede maand hul beste winkelfront-winteruitstallings aan die Dover Town-span inskryf, wat die geleentheid geborg het. Die topprys wat aan Aksie toegeken is, was met ligte getooi, kunswerk, rendier en glinster wat seker maak…

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Dover shone bright on Saturday 3rd December with a procession of 5 metre tall dancing lantern sculptures transforming its streets, accompanied by a 1000 children and adults carrying 500 star lanterns. Huge queues formed for the enchanting Fire Garden created by Walk the Plank and filling the Roman lawn with shooting flames and steampunk wizardry. …

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Bêre die datums Vrydag 2 & Saterdag 3 Desember, Dover's Winter Light Up is terug! Hierdie jaar bring ons 'n tweedaagse Winterbrandtuin op Dover se Romeinse grasperk (by Markplein) verlig deur buitelugkunstenaars Walk the Plank, geborg deur Port of Dover, Toegang is gratis; die publiek kan draai…

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