Vielen Dank, alle Pakete wurden jetzt zugeteilt (Aktualisiert 24/04/2023) HAST DU EIN STRASSENFEIER IN DOVER ZUR KRÖNUNG? Wir können Ihnen KOSTENLOSE Partypakete zur Verfügung stellen, die Ihnen beim Dekorieren helfen** Fordern Sie jetzt Ihre Pakete an! **Bitte beachten Sie: Begrenzter Vorrat. Schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail: Ihre PLZ und Nr. der TEILNEHMER an

ZEEBRUGGE-RAID (ST. GEORGES TAG 1918) Der Stadtrat von Dover wird an den 105. Jahrestag des heroischen und historischen Überfalls der Dover Patrol auf Zeebrugge am St. George's Day erinnern 1918 am Sonntag, den 23.04 2023. Beginnend mit einem Service bei 11.00 Ich bin auf dem St. James’ Cemetery, the commemorations will finish with the ringing of The Zeebrugge

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  Dover Town Council are very happy to see the Exmoor Ponies return to High Meadow on 10 Beschädigen 2023. Please be respectful to these beautiful creatures if you are out and about and happen to meet them on your adventures. If anyone sees people or dogs upsetting the ponies to report it to Kent

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Elections are held for District and Parish/Town Councillors every four years where all seats will be re-elected at the same time. The next scheduled all-out District & Parish elections in Dover are due to take place in May 2023. If you would like to become a Councillor and think you can make a difference, please contact the elections

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Congratulations to Action carpets & Flooring for winning this yearsBest Dressed Christmas Window Competition 2022 Competitors could enter their best shop front winter displays last month to the Dover Town Team, who sponsored the event. The top prize awarded to Action had been decked with lights, artwork, reindeer and glitter making sure to

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