Succes opschrijven!

De nieuwe Dover Totems werden onthuld en verwelkomd in Dover door de burgemeester, Raadslid Neil Rix, en de voorzitter van de districtsraad van Dover, Wethouder Sue Chandler. De totems markeren het begin, halverwege en eindpunten op het voetpad vanaf Athol Terrace in de aanloop naar de White Cliffs en het National Trust Visitor Centre dat met elkaar verbonden is…

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Er werd ruim £600 ingezameld voor het goede doel tijdens de burgemeestersquiz die eerder deze week werd gehouden in het plaatselijke restaurant Cullin’s Yard. De opbrengst wordt verdeeld tussen het minibusfonds voor Age UK Dover en Meningitis Now. De quiz was met ongeveer uitverkocht 100 mensen die helemaal meedoen. Competition was keen with local teams pitting their

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The Christmas Countdown is well underway at the Town Council with plans for a whole weekend of great events for the whole family on 2-3rd December. Market stalls selling arts, crafts and locally sourced food and drink will stretch from the Town Hall to the Market Square. The fun will continue right through to 8pm

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A Dover Town Council grant award of £1,000 has enabled Dover Youth Theatre to mount NEW HORIZONS a free weeklong Arts and Film Workshop in the town this August culminating in a free performance to the public on Thursday 24th August at 7.30pm in Dover Town Hall. International award-winning Film Director Jan Dunn, Editor Tony Currell, West-End Musical

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Dover Outreach Centre offers hope to homeless men and women in Dover. Working out of re-furbished premises at St Paul’s Catholic Church in Maison Dieu Road it offers a drop-in centre from 9-11am with access to essential services and support, simple food, washing and laundry facilities. Over the coldest part of the winter from November

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    We were saddened to hear of the death of Mrs Ellen Husk, voormalig burgemeester van Dover. Mrs Husk, who was 101, supported her late husband Mr Arthur Husk during his time as Mayor 1962-63 and our picture shows him marking the Diamond Jubilee of the Girl’s Life Brigade by planting a commemorative tree….

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White Cliffs Ramblers are back with their ever more popular Walking Festival from 24- 30 augustus. The programme booklet has just been published with a wide range of walks to suit everyone. Book up early as some walks fill up quickly – especially those going to places that are not normally open to the public….

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The newly formed Dover White Cliffs branch of the Royal British Legion continues to grow and go from strength to strength. This year they were chosen to host the County Parade attended by branches from across Kent. The Town Mayor, Raadslid Neil Rix, was delighted to be able to present the £550 requested by the

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Salad Dressing!

    Here at the Town council we are glad to see the summer sunshine – and we thought we would share a letter that we are sending to everyone who has a Town Council allotment! We have had complaints that since the weather has got better tenants are seeing rather more of their neighbours

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