Local teacher, Karen Ash, is running the London Marathon this year in support of Our Finest Dour, raising money to help us continue our river cleans and environmental and educational activities. Karen has been teaching Geography at Dover Girls Grammar School for the last 9 leta, and taking year groups to the river Dour which

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Mestská rada Dover posiela novinky a aktualizácie do komunitného časopisu AD. Časopis Dover Community Ad sa vydáva raz za dva mesiace a všetkých svojich čitateľov informuje o miestnych správach, články záujmu komunity, plánovanie, úspechy, obľúbené témy, miestne udalosti, stretnutia klubov a skupín. Read the latest edition of the Community AD magazine here _

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Dover was named third most picturesque wintry town behind Harrogate, North Yorkshire, and Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Home to the iconic White Cliffs, Dover is well worth a visit with its history packed castle and delicious restaurants. The coastal town has a lot to offer and is the perfect place to explore during the festive season. Viac…

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As temperatures plummeted to -2 degrees, thousands participated in Dover’s Winter Light Up on Saturday, 2nd December. Spectators and participants carried over 600 star lanterns, crafted during Future Foundry workshops throughout November, amounting to 133 hours of collaboration with schools, community groups, and the general public. The sea of brightly lit lanterns marched through the

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Dover’s Winter Light Up continues its annual festive celebration this coming Saturday 2nd December with a march through the town, leaving Pencester Gardens at 5pm. Impressive big-builds and lanterns have been made by community groups, Future Foundry artists and schools who have been working tirelessly to create over 500 lanterns for the procession. Building on

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72% mladých ľudí v Doveri chce mať prístup k bezplatnému kinu 500 žiakov stredných škôl, Future Foundry zistilo, že najobľúbenejšou činnosťou mladých ľudí je kino, s 72% účastníkov, ktorí uviedli, že chcú prístup k bezplatnému kinu. V odozve, Future Foundry sa spúšťajú…

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