Bly waaksaam - Beheer die virus - Bewaar lewens Vir die nuutste inligting oor Covid-19, advies, help and local services please go to the Dover District Council website at or call on 01304 821199. I accordance with Government restrictions the Town Council offices will be closed to the public from Thursday 5th November but we

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Ons is baie hartseer om te hoor van die dood van voormalige burgemeester onlangs, Robert (Bob) Markham. Bob joined the Council in 2000 en bedien vir meer as 10 years until his retirement in 2011. Bob was no stranger to the work of the Council on his election, having ably supported his partner Mrs Lynn Young in

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Become a COVID-19 Community Champion for Kent and Medway Frequently Asked Questions The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 het die bestaande ongelykhede in spesifieke groepe in Engeland beklemtoon. Byvoorbeeld, 'n onlangse verslag wat deur Public Health England gepubliseer is, het getoon dat sterftesyfers van COVID-19 in sommige Swartes, Asian and

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Bly waaksaam - Beheer die virus - Bewaar lewens Vir die nuutste inligting oor Covid-19, advies, help and local services please go to the Dover District Council website at or call on 01304 821199. Die kantoor van die stadsraad is vanaf 1 Junie oop vir die publiek van 10:00 tot 13:00 Maandag tot Vrydag (excluding public

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