Sturdy picnic tables and benches have just been installed at Elms Vale Recreation Ground for everyone to enjoy this summer. Town Councillors for the local Maxton Ward, Peter Wallace, Deborah Boulares, Miriam Wood and Roger Walkden gave money from their grant budget to help a local group “The Silverback Project” fund the materials they needed


多佛鎮先後被授予步行者歡迎狀態. 以逐步實現國際公認的認可工作的建議已經由鎮議會獲得持續的支持. 包括本地議員的一個非常廣泛的指導組, 多佛協會, 當地步行組, 白崖徒步節, 當地酒店業, 白崖農村合作, Up on the


For the first time ever the Town Council has funded a piece of equipment that they very much hope will never need to be used. The Civic and Special Projects Committee have given £750 to the 15th Dover scout Group to purchase a defibrillator. Defibrillators save the lives of those suffering heart attacks. The new


    Dover’s High Street is looking spectacular this summer with the installation of 16 magnificent towers of red geraniums each over 2 meters tall. They will bloom brightly right through and into the autumn ensuring that the Town Centre is the place to be for everyone to be shopping, socialising and enjoying life. People


Dover Mayor Councillor Neil Rix with the basketball teams The Annual Dover–Calais Festival of Sport is always a hard fought event and this year was no exception. Seven teams from Calais visited Dover for a full day of competition with local teams. Dover took the overall cup this year by winning events in shooting,…


“Awesome”, “Fantastic”, “It’s lovelywere just three of the comments that greeted the installation of Dover’s floral tribute to Her Majesty on her 90th Birthday. Phones quickly appeared as people recorded the event. Arranged by the Town Council, the specially designed and planted crown is composed of thousands of individual plants. It will remain at


你覺得你的組織或項目可能有一點資金支持做? 它將使住在您的市議會病房的人們受益嗎? Is it good value for money and costing less than £1,000? The the Councillor Ward Grant Scheme could be just right for you. Councillors each have up to £1000 allocated


Do you know someone with dementia? Would you like to know more about what is happening to them? Would you like to know what support is available? 一 “Dementia Drop Inis being held on Tuesday 17 May at the Town Council Offices. Click on the link below to find out more. Dementia day

Members of Tower Hamlets Forum, local residents and volunteers from the local Coop Store spent their Saturday cleaning up the area of Tower Hamlets as part of the “Clean for the Queen” nationwide initiative. By the end of the event nearly 50 bags of rubbish had been collected from the ward including all sorts of
