Sturdy picnic tables and benches have just been installed at Elms Vale Recreation Ground for everyone to enjoy this summer. Town Councillors for the local Maxton Ward, Peter Wallace, Deborah Boulares, Miriam Wood and Roger Walkden gave money from their grant budget to help a local group “The Silverback Project” fund the materials they needed

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Dover Town has been awarded Walkers are Welcome status. The proposal to work towards the internationally recognised accreditation has received ongoing support by the Town Council. A very wide ranging Steering group comprising of local Councillors, the Dover Society, local walking groups, व्हाइट चट्टानों महोत्सव चलना, local hoteliers, व्हाइट चट्टानों देहात भागीदारी, Up on the

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Town Mayor of Dover Councillor Neil Rix with the Mayoress Mrs Jackie Rix and the Lord Warden and Admiral of the Cinque Ports, Admiral of the Fleet the Lord Boyce Town Mayor of Dover, Councillor Neil Rix became Speaker of the Cinque Ports in the historic annual “septennial revolution” ceremony. King Henry III granted the

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“Awesome”, “Fantastic”, “It’s lovelywere just three of the comments that greeted the installation of Dover’s floral tribute to Her Majesty on her 90th Birthday. Phones quickly appeared as people recorded the event. Arranged by the Town Council, the specially designed and planted crown is composed of thousands of individual plants. It will remain at

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