Bogla Bote Godri’s career has just got off to a fabulous start. The 8 year old winner of the 2018 Young Cooks Competition cooked her champion recipe for 30 special guests including Dover Mayor Councillor Sue Jones at the Dog in Wingham. The young chef served a superb meal of Sea Bass with smoked bacon,…

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  Dover de Crăciun pentru weekend 2018   Sâmbătă 01 decembrie – 11am to 6pm Grand Christmas Lights Switch-OnSaturday 5pm Sunday 2nd December – 10am to 4pm Don’t miss out on the fabulous Christmas Weekend in Dover Town Centre. Vino și pentru a îndeplini Kent numai de Crăciun Chineză Dragon, see the Chinese Lion Dancing and shake

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A Neighbourhood Planning Workshop – Everybody Welcome A Neighbourhood Planning Workshop is being held on Thursday morning 29th November 10 la 12.30 at the Biggin Hall behind the Town Council offices in Dover. Come along to share your ideas with others about how Dover could be made better over a cup of tea and

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Toată lumea este invitată să exploreze a fi un artist la 2018 Big tragerea la sorți – all materials are provided. Its for all ages so come along and have some fun. This year’s events have been supported with funding from the Mayor, Consilier Sue Jones și consilier Chris prețioase de la bugetele lor Grant consilier.