Dover shone bright on Saturday 3rd December with a procession of 5 metre tall dancing lantern sculptures transforming its streets, accompanied by a 1000 children and adults carrying 500 star lanterns. Huge queues formed for the enchanting Fire Garden created by Walk the Plank and filling the Roman lawn with shooting flames and steampunk wizardry. …

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Save the dates Friday 2nd & Saturday 3rd of December, Il Winter Light Up di Dover è tornato! This year we will be bringing a two-day Winter Fire Garden on Dover’s Roman Lawn (by Market Square) illuminated by outdoor arts experts Walk the Plank, sponsored by Port of Dover, Entry is free; the public can turn

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Alle ore 11.00 su Remembrance Domenica Dover uomini, donne e bambini si sono riuniti al Memoriale di guerra del popolo di Dover per onorare la memoria di tutti gli uomini e donne in servizio che hanno dato la vita nei conflitti armati passati e presenti. Al di sopra 50 le corone sono state deposte durante il servizio, coprendo il memoriale di papaveri rossi, as a

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Il sindaco della città è stato lieto di partecipare al Dover Big Local Information Day al Charlton Center il 28 settembre 2022. Support and service info were available throughout the day covering housing, health & well-being, benefits, financial support, food and digital training for local residents. This was a great way to discuss more in

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