Zeebrugge Raid Piemiņas - 23 Aprīlis 2019

The 101st Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 gadā tika pieminēts ikgadējā ceremonijā 23 Aprīlis 2019. Reverend Sean Sheffield conducted a service at St James Cemetery where the fallen of the raid are laid to rest together with their leader Vice Admiral Sir Roger Keyes. Servicemen from Band and Bugles of the Rifles played the Last Post. Doveras un Zēbriges pārstāvji nolika vainagus kopā ar veterānu asociācijām, Kopiena Mirušo grupas un ģimenes.

Sv. George’s Day raid on the mole at Zeebrugge is remembered for the extreme bravery of the men involved in the attack. Following the attack 8 Victoria Crosses were awarded. Neskatoties uz šausmīgo dzīvību zaudēšanu, Zēbriges reids palīdzēja paātrināt Pirmā pasaules kara beigas.

After the ceremony at the cemetery further respects were paid at Dover Town Hall where, un tad, Doveras pilsētas mērs, Councillor Sue Jones rang the Zeebrugge Bell. The Bell was a gift of thanks from the King of Belgiums in recognition of the fallen.

Mūsu fotogrāfija ir memoriāla Lord Keyes Svētā Jēkaba ​​kapiem pēc piemiņas dienesta un ziedu nolikšana.