Zeebrugge 습격 기념 – 23 사월 2019

The 101st Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 의 연례 행사에서 기념되었습니다. 23 사월 2019. Reverend Sean Sheffield conducted a service at St James Cemetery where the fallen of the raid are laid to rest together with their leader Vice Admiral Sir Roger Keyes. Servicemen from Band and Bugles of the Rifles played the Last Post. Dover 및 Zeebrugge의 대표들이 재향군인회와 함께 화환을 바쳤습니다., 커뮤니티 그룹 및 사망한 사람들의 가족.

세인트. George’s Day raid on the mole at Zeebrugge is remembered for the extreme bravery of the men involved in the attack. Following the attack 8 Victoria Crosses were awarded. 끔찍한 인명 손실에도 불구하고, Zeebrugge Raid는 1차 세계 대전 종전을 앞당기는 데 도움이 되었습니다..

After the ceremony at the cemetery further respects were paid at Dover Town Hall where, 그런 다음, 도버의 시장, Councillor Sue Jones rang the Zeebrugge Bell. The Bell was a gift of thanks from the King of Belgiums in recognition of the fallen.

Our photograph is of the memorial to Lord Keyes in St James’s Cemetery following the Commemoration Service and wreath laying.