Tower Hamlets – Čistí pro královnu

Členové Tower Hamlets Forum, místní obyvatelé a dobrovolníci z místního obchodu Coop Store strávili sobotu úklidem oblasti Tower Hamlets v rámci celostátní iniciativy „Clean for the Queen“.. Téměř ke konci akce 50 bags of rubbish had been collected from the ward including all sorts of interesting articles! Areas cleaned included the railway bank in Tower Hamlets Road, the area at the back of St Barts Close and many alleyways and communal areas that are not that widely seen and often neglected.

Chris Tyler, Chair of the forum, said “it was a good example of working as a team and feeling as though we were making a difference”. Michael Banks, local resident and member of the Forum, řekl, “We would like to make this an annual event and have a prize for the most interesting article found! As well as the usual dumped TV, car parts, old shoes, abandoned paddling pool, there were some unidentified items”.

Cllr Brivio, DDC ward member would like to thank those that took part and to thank the Coop store, Morrison’s, DDC and Dover Town Council for supporting the event.