Dover Arts Development has led the Threading Together Project. Threading together is a cross generational arts project, using textiles and photography focusing on food cultures and good memories. The project is culminating in an exhibition featuring work produced by Dover Technical College Travel and Tourism students as well as by members of the wider Dover community.
Projektet har også involveret nogle af de lokale uafhængige cafeer og restauranter i Dover.
Tekstildelen af projektet blev guidet af kunstneren Gwen Hedley og fotograferingen af Andrew Dennis og Benjamin Bowles.
Sagde rådmand Cowan –
"Dette er et vidunderligt eksempel på, hvordan mennesker i alle aldre kan gå sammen for at skabe noget, der både ser på vores fremtid og trækker på vores tidligere minder. Tankevækkende og blidt humoristisk, the photographs taken by our young people and the embroideries work together to show how proud we are of our Town and how strong we are as a united community. That this project was completed during the challenges of covid is a huge tribute to the determination and creative abilities of all those taking part. We are so pleased have been able to support the project by showing it publicly in the Dover Town Council Chamber”.
Dover Towns borgmester, Rådmand Gordon Cowan besøger udstillingen og chatter med Clare Smith fra Dover Art Development (til højre for borgmesteren), Gwen Hedley tekstilkunstner projektleder (yderst til højre) and a visitor.
Councillor Gowan looking at photographs of Dover taken by media students at Dover Technical College with Project Photography Lead, Andrew Dennis.
For more information about the project go to