11.00 svētdienā 8 Novembris 2015, 97 gadā pēc pamiera parakstīšanas 1918, Dover atcerēsies visus karavīrus un sievietes, kas atdevuši dzīvību savas valsts dienestā.
Standartu parāde, veterans and other organisations will assemble outside Marks & Spencer in Biggin Street at 10.30am and march to the War Memorial in front of the Maison Dieu House where two minutes silence will be observed at 11.00am.
This year we are especially pleased to have the new White Cliffs Branch of the Royal British Legion parading its new standard. At the end of the Memorial Service conducted by the Honorary Chaplain, Reverend John Walker the parade will march back through the town to the Market Square. Padomnieks Kriss Precious, the Right Worshipful Town Mayor of Dover, will take the salute at St. Marijas baznīca.
Service sheets will be available to members of the public; Pakalpojuma sniegšanas laikā Priory Road tiks īslaicīgi slēgts no apļveida krustojuma līdz Ladywell luksoforiem.