Remembrance Art Trail chegou em Dover

Dover Câmara Municipal apresenta orgulhosamente o Art Trail Dover Lembrança comemorativa e honrar as forças armadas e aqueles que pagaram o sacrifício final.

A trilha lembrança arte consiste em cinco pedaços e apresenta três novas exposições pelo artista britânico Mark Humphrey comemora o fim da Primeira Guerra Mundial, dois nomeados Ponto de Terra de Everyman e um Cada um Lembrado.

The three pieces have been brought to Dover with the support of former Deputy Constable of Dover Castle Brigadier M. T. G. Bazeley.

The trail starts from Dover’s seafront at Granville Gardens, linking Dover town centre at Market Square and following onto Pencester Gardens. The three art pieces also connect with the Wall of Remembrance created by local artist Izzy Fraser and commissioned by the previous Right Worshipful the Town Mayor of Dover Cllr Neil Rix located at Dover’s War Memorial outside Maison Dieu House.

Dover Remembrance Art Trail Exhibits:

1. Cada um Lembrado (Mark Humphrey) at Granville GardensThousands of poppy dedicated by the public throughout the UK flutter around the soldier, paying tribute to each and every one of their sacrifices made.

2. Ponto de Terra de Everyman (Mark Humphrey) at Dover Market SquareThis Piece delves into war in time and space, alongside moments of battle.

3. Ponto de Terra de Everyman (Mark Humphrey) at Pencester Gardens- This Piece delves into war in time and space, alongside moments of battle.

4. Muro da Memória de Dover (Izzy Fraser) at Maison Dieu HouseCentenary memorial of the First World War to remember and honour Dover’s role in armed conflict through the ages

5. Dover War Memorial (Richard Goulden) at Maison Dieu House – Simboliza gratidão ao e simpatia caído para os enlutados.