
गन्तव्य डोभर

गन्तव्य डोभर डोभर गरेको आगन्तुक अर्थव्यवस्था revitalize एउटा प्रमुख परियोजना हो. अर्को माथि 5 वरिपरि मनोरञ्जन लागि जान वर्ष गन्तव्य डोभर डोभर सबै भन्दा राम्रो ठाउँमा एक बनाउन साधारण लक्ष्य संग संगठन र व्यवसायीहरूको बीच सम्बन्ध निर्माण हुनेछ, सम्पदा चासो र प्राकृतिक वातावरण. गन्तव्य डोभर छ 100% committed to doing

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को डोभर Totems

नयाँ डोभर Totems सहर मेयर द्वारा अनावरण र डोभर गर्न स्वागत गरेका थिए, सभासद नील Rix, and the Chairman of Dover District Council, Councillor Sue Chandler. The Totems mark the beginning, midway and end points on the footpath from Athol Terrace leading up to the White Cliffs and the National Trust Visitor Centre linking

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उच्च Meadows प्रकृति रिजर्व

High Meadow is a Local Nature Reserve owned by Dover Town Council and managed by the White Cliffs Countryside Partnership. We have worked with Up on the Downs Heritage Lottery Fund Project to facilitate two phases of work. The first saw an area of overgrazed horse paddocks returned to a more appropriate form of livestock management and involved the removal

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