Snargate Street 的開發目前正在進行中, 目的是使該地區更具吸引力,並吸引來自城鎮和港口的人們前來參觀. 為了實現這個目標, 去年舉行了兩次公眾諮詢,收集市民的意見和建議.

根據收到的反饋, 決定通過引入更多標牌和種植來改善該區域. 這些添加物不僅會使 Snargate Street 更加美觀,而且還將幫助遊客輕鬆瀏覽該地區.

全面的, Snargate 的開發是社區和地方當局之間的共同努力,旨在為遊客和當地人創造一個充滿活力和熱情的目的地.

By 14th June 2023 – the fabricated signage had been installed for the locals and visitors to viewthe reception has been well received. The signage is a result of months of consultations with Dover Town Council and Snargate Street Businesses and residents to design the signage, updates on this development was also passed to the Dover Community AD so others could hear about the Snargate Street developments.


Signage visible on roadside of snargate street