Plotting Your Future………..

Is your New Year Resolution

To be fitter, trimmer and do more exercise? – Ano

Get outside to enjoy the fresh air? – Ano

Eat better, healthier and cheaper? – Ano

Tick all the boxes at once by renting a Town Council Allotment – and make yourself a whole bunch of new friends too!

Plots on offer range from small starter plots to larger plots so you can choose what suits you best. We have 5 sites across the Town so there is bound to be one near to you.

Just a quick glance in your local Garden Centre will show you the huge range of veggies, fruit and herbs on offer – way more than you can buy in your local supermarket. We get lots of sunshine here in the south so you can really experiment with something different – or just stick to your tried and trusted favourites. There is even room for a few flowers to encourage friendly wildlife and support organic growing.

Contact the Land and Communities Officer at the Town Council Offices by phone (01304 242625), email to, via our website – or just do it the old-fashioned way and drop in to see us at Maison Dieu House in Biggin Street next to the Town Hall.